3891429891 info@gri-seveso.it


The conscious competence put into the system in a proactive and systemic environment, represents the characteristic element of GRI srl.

The Scientific Director’s thirty-year and innovative experience, accompanied by the authoritative tradition of corporate governance, allows a synergistic and integrated approach to the reference market, mainly identified in the critical industrial risk. Scope in which the complexity as a whole determines the need for specific criteria and specific requirements and experience that shape our high technical and professional profile, in a context in which the difference between compliance or non-compliance with mandatory requirements it can mean safety and continuous improvement or otherwise loss of life, environmental disasters and socio-economic disruption of the territory.

GRI srl, represents the synthesis between innovation and concreteness that translate into a network organization in a national context able to perceive critical needs and specific profile, especially in the area of major accident risk, in which the intellectual innovation of approach draws sap from the union with the normative activity UNI dedicated within the technical committees of the Italian Thermotechnical Committee– Energy & Environment (Milan), with the experience empirical, direct and current of our Scientific Director within the framework of the activity of “”Manager, pursuant to art.3 – D.Lgs.105/2015, of Establishment subject to this Seveso III binding.