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Standardisation is an effective and powerful instrument to sharp knowledge and transfer new technologies, ideas and innovations on the market, as well as shown in sectors such as advanced production systems, energy, information technologies, recycling, transport , the security.

The immediate knowledge of the solutions representing the state of the art provided by the technical norms, offers a strategic advantage to companies, because it identifies what to do or or how to organize the company management processes, in a unique and inequivable way. companies who decide to comply with the rules are represented as soon as possible in making resources which can usefully be concentrated and invested in the differentiation of products, according to additional desirable characteristics, or additional characteristics in respect of the norma requirements, with a general growth of the level of quality. Standardisation represents a shared code of knowledge that can facilitate cooperation and strategic alliances between sector companies, calibering an artificial competition and stimulating synergies tese to conscious awareness of costs. It should also be observed that a competition focused on efficiency can not contribute to a general overview of the quality, performance and safety of the products, with benefits for everyone.

Improving organizational and productive processes, managing the risks increasingly increasing the risks increasing customer satisfaction, the relevant and relevant interested parties, and the commercial spaces on the market, are the ambitions of each undertaking which decides to certify its products / services. a replicable model also outside the organization, in a market in which it is necessary to return to grow through innovation and modernization of the approach. the certification of management systems allow the organizations of equipment and methodologies with which to govern the overall operation, introducing, through politics and procedural apparatus, an approach based on the explicit of “continuous improvement” objectives; or, an efficient and effective method of management and monitoring of company processes, through the identification of critical and the successive mitigation and improvement actions; in addition to performing and achieving, as a facilizer tool, a legal conformity other than objectively with a direct and legal approach. vocational training and the next orientation at work, represent two faces of the same medal, but above all the instruments that must be used in a synergic way, to acquire knowledge and competitiveness in a labor market, in which flexibility represents the conditioning element and characteristant that requests the contemporary continuation of competences on the basis of the offered occupational prospects. we can therefore assemble that professional training is always increasing a strategic importance in the productive world, as it meets meets to the formation needs expressed by companies, and to the needs of the young to acquire skills and workers to maintain updates to the continuous changes of the market, beyond that to represent up-grade of awareness.

Gri srl, represents the summary between innovation and concreteness that makes itself into a network organization within the national field of perceiving critical needs and specific profile, species with a reliable accident risk, in which the intellectual innovation of the approach between linfa from the connection with uni standard activity dedicated within the technical committees of the italian terminechnical – energy & environment committee (milan), with the empirical, direct and current experience of our scientific director under the “manager” activity , pursuant to art.3 – d.lgs.105 / 2015, of establishment provided to this Seveso III binding.